Raising Shark Awareness
My personal
campaign to raise shark awareness began when the entire community of
hundreds of sharks that I was studying, as animals and individuals,
were finned for shark fin soup.
Sharks (and fish) had
turned out to be more interesting, more varied, and in many cases,
more beautiful, than the North American wildlife I had known. They
were just as intelligent, and far more responsive to me. They were
definitely more alert, and made decisions more quickly, than people.
Sharks were the first
wild animals I had met that came to me instead of fleeing, and though
I had fed the birds all my life, they never fluttered down around my
shoulders when I went outside, or alighted in my hands to be stroked.
But fish did.
So it is especially
sad to see how these remarkable submarine animals are considered and
treated in our society, as being low, cold and not even capable of
suffering pain.
That is why I have
been on a personal campaign ever since to improve public awareness of
their true nature, and why I have followed up the many articles I
have written about them with a book describing The True Nature of
Now I am expanding my
campaign and inviting others to join me in spreading the word about
what these unusual and important animals are really like. Their
intelligent awareness constitutes another reason to save them from
Fish and sharks are
treated worse than any other animals, though they suffer just as
much. Sharks have been cast by the media as monsters for horror shows
and fishing tournaments for so long that the prejudice against them
is not even recognized.
People really believe
that they behave the way they are shown on Shark Week. But they do
not. . .
So please join me in
speaking out against the prejudice that has raised a barrier against
their protection. I will be posting plenty of information and other
material to share as the summer passes.
Donations, too, help
enormously to spread the word about this campaign. A donation can be
made at this link:
Many thanks in advance
for any help you can give.
About me:
For fifteen years I
spent my free time watching the actions of sharks underwater to learn
about their behavior and their daily lives. During seven of those
years, I kept track of over 600 individuals of which I could
recognize 300 on sight, and wrote several scientific papers about
them. No marine biologist has done comparable work and though more
than a decade has passed since my study was done, it has never been
Ila France Porcher